Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Table Of Contents

Reading Schedule & Outline

Module 1
Reading Schedule & Outline

MODULE 1: September 24
PrefaceIntroductionPrehistoric Prelude to Graphic Design History 35,000 - 2700 BCE

MODULE 2: October 01
Chapter 1: Early Writing: Mark-making, Notation Systems, and Scripts3000 - 500 BCE
- Evolutionary foundations of communication- Language & Design- Early Graphic Forms- Communicating ideas and beliefs

MODULE 3: October 8
Chapter 2: Classical Literacy700 BCE - 400 CE
- variations of literacy and the alphabet- The function of graphic codes- Models of writing: gestural and constructed- Writing at the end of the Classical age
Chapter 3: Medieval Letterforms and Book Formats400 - 1450
- Medieval culture and graphic communication- Graphic media and contexts- The codex book- Letterforms, manuscript hands, and pattern books- Graphic forms of knowledge- Publishing communities and graphic arts

MODULE 4: October 15
Chapter 4: Renaissance Design: Standardization and Modularization in Print1450 - 1660
- Early print design- Graphic communication in Renaissance culture- Print Technology and type design- Graphic forms of knowledge

Chapter 5: Modern Typography and the Creation of the Public Sphere1660 - 1800
- Printed matter and the public sphere- News books, broadsheets, and newspapers- Politics and the press- Graphic arts and design- Modern type design- On the edge of industrialization
MODULE 5: October 22

Chapter 6: The Graphic Effects of Industrial Production1800 - 1850
- Industrialization and visual culture- Illustrated papers- Book design for mass production- Printed images- Advertising design and typography- Fine art and graphic art- Critical Issues

Chapter 7: Mass Mediation1850 - 1900
- Printed mass media- Changes in print technology- Changing patterns in the use of graphic media- Media networks- Graphic design and advertising- Posters and public space
MODULE: October 29

Chapter 8: Formations of the Modern Movement1880s - 1910's
- Responses to industrialism- Arts and Crafts publications- Arts and Crafts dissemination- Art Nouveau- Jugendstil- Viennese design- Decadence and Aestheticism- The private press movement and modern design- Integration of design and industry

Chapter 9: Innovation and Persuasion1910 - 1930
- Visual culture and avant-garde design- The graphic impact of Futurism and Dada- From experiment to principles- Propaganda and mass communication studies- Graphic Persuasion and its effects- Institutionalizing graphic design
MODULE 7: November 05

Chapter 10: The Culture of Consumption1920's - 1930's
- Designing the modern lifestyle- Modern style in graphic design- Consumer culture- The profession
Chapter 11: Public Interest Campaigns and Information Design1930s- 1950s
- Public interest and education- Photojournalism and documentary- Wartime information- Commercial and technical uses of information design- Information analysis and design process
MODULE 8: November 12

Chapter 12: Corporate Identities and International Style1950s - 1970s
- Image and identity systems- International style- Style, systems, and graphic design concepts- Technology-The profession

Chapter 13: Pop and Protest1960' - 1970s
- Pop culture and style- Self-conscious graphic design- Slick surfaces and high production values- Counterculture and alternative press- Revolutionary culture and protest- Changes in the profession- Critical vocabulary
MODULE 9: November 19

Chapter 14: Postmodernism in Design1970's - 1980's and Beyond
- Postmodern Styles- Postmodern consumption and conservatism- Critical theory and postmodern sensibility- Postmodernism and activism- Changes in the profession
MODULE 10: November 26

Chapter 15: Digital Design
After the 1970's
- Digital technology: from punch cards and plotters to desktop computing- Media transitions: type deign and publications- Fluidity and functionality- The myth of immateriality and challenges of digital design

MODULE 11: December 03 Field Journal/Research Portfolio due

MODULE 12: December 10 Review and return of Field Journals/Research Portfolios

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