Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Week Five


In this week’s reading, mention is made to the many technological advancements of the early eighteenth century. Two big creations were that of the punch cutting machine and also the type casting machine, these were able to create a decorative display in the media. Media in this case, specifically newspapers, radio, labels and also in publishing of novels and textbooks. Graphic Designing and its elements allowed businesses and transactions to take place easily and also very conveniently. Advertising was rather more eloquent due to the ability of designs to represent a particular product. Transportation of goods to other cities also flourished due to ships, boat and railroads. These also advertise what they carried with images, texts, and emblems written on them. Tickets for events, bill heads, receipts, and menus for restaurant and bars were also being made available to the public.

Time Era

In the 18th century, a revolution took place because proof of purchase could be carried around in the form of receipts. Customers at a restaurant could look at menus and easily decide on what they want. As compared to completely explaining exactly what one wants, in specific qualities, deserts, side dishes, etc? Now they could just point to it. Illustrated papers as they were called played a major role in the media.
Stories about prostitution, crime, and also advertising were put in these newspapers. Photography rather developed in the early 1900’s. At first, images were captured by exposing salts to lights. To give the reader a better understanding or even better yet a visual, pictures were put alongside these articles. How images were printed in these newspapers evolved overtime. At first, these images were broken down into very small dots that together formed an image. Closely connected dots and dots that weren’t connected at all where what made these images pronounced and also more detailed. Photographs and paintings were also sent abroad to communicate ideas, values, opinion and solutions. The difference and advantage that photographs had over paintings was that they represented reality and were not so comical. They also eroticized people and places captured in these images.

Personal Reflection
The readings made me think about how advertising is done today and how big of a difference it is, when one pays close attention. Products that I usually pay attention to are usually food products, machines, fitness and sporting goods. Surprisingly, these methods of advertising have not changed much compared to that of earlier centuries. Labels of food products do not seen to critically think about its ingredients, storage, etc but they have painted an automatic picture in my head that would let me recognize them even if they had a label on them. Being raised in a stereotypical African American family, we usually ate grits, pancakes, bacon for a breakfast. They usual dishes would most definitely include chicken, corns, macaroni and cheese. Labels of these products usually and still had pictures of an African American woman who was either in a bandana or a cape. Up until this day, labels of these products remain the same. These images obviously have their various racial implications but in order to maintain there originality, they continue to be used.
We had a discussion in class and we were asked about how technology has had an effect on our lives. Various contributions included that of emails and cell phones which proved to be more prevalent. In my opinion though, I think advancement in technology has also made us derail from our love for reading and also they everyday things our childhood that were once cherished by us. Ever since video games, there has been a drastic change in the life of students I teach, even at church. We would often have discussions about what they did on the weekend. All I would hear is either they watched television or they played videogames. “What happened to going out to the park? What happened to playing baseball, basketball, etc.” I would ask them. They would answer comfortably, “we do, but on the computer, or Playstation. It is no surprise that young video gamers are so involved in these electronics that it has taken over their lives, neglecting nutrition and exercise is already bad enough for these young lives but sitting on there gadgets all day is not helping either.


I wouldn’t say I am perfect either. Technology has also caused me to become almost as guilty. Though I exercise and eat properly, I make sure I get my daily dosage of technology. Quite honestly I never read the newspaper anymore; I can read the news on my cell phone or my television, check the weather and even listen to music on it.

Playing videogames, talking and sending messages, driving everywhere I need to go even if it’s next door are a few of my many daily activities. Is it really my fault? When I was younger my older cousins and rest of the family usually had outdoor picnics where we ran around, played basketball, football, and ate cornbread. This time around, no one ever gets the time, or should I say the desire to do so. Even when we do organize a family gathering or reunion, we are present, but we are not presents. Very often to I see members of our family on their i-pods, cell phones, game gadgets, etc which they cannot seem to put down for even a second.
But its quite understandable that the average American does not have as much time as we used to. We work the longest hours and taken the fewest vacations compared to other nations. We are always on the go and technology fulfils our purpose by allowing us to complete our tasks within half the time. Would you rather walk than drive? Would you rather hire a babysitter, rather than buy videogames for you teen kids? Why write a letter when you can send and email? Why travel abroad when they are a phone call away? These are questions technology continuously asks us, and what are our answers? NO!

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