Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Week Seven


In the following chapters, the book goes on to describe how graphic designing influenced major events that’s too place around this time frame. Graphic designing brought about a movement in the arts, 1929, from modern which was usually referred to as modernism. Modernism is a term that dates back as far as 1737. The general meaning is "deviation from the ancient and classical manner. Advertising had become so prominent in the early 19th century that it was literally used for anything you could possible think of. Images and pictures came to replace the simple notion of providing quality goods and services to its customers which were began to be referred to as consumers. Branding had built a solid foundation in the advertising industry and graphic designers were taking advantage of it. They began to enhance or polish products that indicated status rather than satisfying their needs. This was referred to as conspicuous consumption. This was basically the acquisition and display of expensive items to attract attention to one's wealth or to suggest that one is wealthy.
Time Era

Designing the modern lifestyle usually depicted one’s status and also one’s class. The house one lived in, the car they drive, were few of the many things that lead them to earn a pleasant and respected position in the society. Designers also helped promote all areas of buildings, clothes, cars, created by the culture of a given society. Cinemas, Neon Lights, and Phonographs also played their part in making such events glamorous and attractive. One attention could not help but be attracted to all the flashing lights; neon signs which without a doubt and catchy phrases. In order to make consumption fascinatingly attractive, exploiting new degrees of mobility and leisure was very necessary. New strategies were constantly tested and mediums through which these were done include packaging.
As a result, more products were sold as a result of their prestigious images and other elements that should out. This helped them to remain unique and something you had to have to prove yourself worthy of the status or category you wished to be placed in. Graphic Designing looked very different in the 1900’s. Different discoveries managed to make its way across the Atlantic through trade routes, merchants, and other designers across the globe. Most of these discoveries were experimented art.

Personal Reflection
Mass consumption began to take place as a result of mass production which was the beginning the American system of manufactures. In the middle of the nineteenth century Foreign engineers viewing production on the Western side of the Atlantic Ocean noticed some regularities in the way Americans seemed to do things. Their manufacturing industries made simpler and rougher goods, used much less skilled labor, and seemed to incorporate much more of the knowledge needed to run the process of production into machines and organizations--leaving much less in skilled workers' brains and hands. In the early years of 1929, the New York Stock Market had come to a complete stop and sources of employment had become a big burden of citizens all over the state. In order to the pace of work could be increased. Unskilled workers could be substituted for skilled labor. In other words, skilled and qualified workers would supervise unskilled and unqualified workers who were literate to some extent, not only because they understood procedures and processes of production, but also because they performed they same tasks of supervisors and were played much less than they were. Unskilled farm laborers, immigrants, minorities, and women were usually the victims and were left with n other options or choices. What else were they suppose to do when they had children to cater to and mouths to feed. It is quite ironic that foundation of the whole United States was built by slaves, immigrants and basically foreigners. Natural resources were often exploited from other countries which are now referred to as second and third world countries, to be brought into the United States. Slaves were made to work on these productions of cotton, wood and farm crops. Over 55 percent of the land we call the United States were once land to the Mexicans. Other parts of this land was derived as a result from banishing the Native Americans out of their land and claiming “they did not know how to use the land”
Public Interest and Campaigns also began to take new turns in the early 1900’s. Graphic Designers were called to a public service and their role was to impact society on political and social issues. Methods of presenting information gained clarity and its impact was embodied with a sense of urgency. During World War II, they only way information that could be made available to the public was through Public Communication. Information designers also adopted visual lexicons that were used for military, scientific and also statistical applications. A lot of information was presented in these magazines, pamphlets, newspapers, etc. Columns, Sections, etc were therefore necessary to compactly place these statistics in an organized manner.

Wartime Propaganda
• Posters were used to mobilize sentiment and action on all sides of the political conflict.
• Government resorted to graphic strategies to drum up war support
Women were encouraged to volunteer and support the military service

Wartime Information
• Diagrams and charts delivered crucial information that presented a dense amount of information in an economical and well organized form
• These encouraged graphic designers to adapt.

Now it is natural to be of two minds about this surge of product differentiation. It seems wasteful--sacrificing potential economies of scale for diversity--and deceptive: Coca-Cola doesn't "really" "add life," does it? Wearing celebrity-brand sneakers while listening to one's ipod does not "really" bring one closer to the lifestyles of rich and famous celebrities than does listening barefoot, does it? Maybe it does.

It makes you feel good about yourself, confident and gives you a little bit of self esteem. You would be surprised at the price difference of popular name brands compared to that of not so popular brands. These weren’t only in clothing and fashion. The products of mass production diffused through America was astonishing: not just automobiles but also washing machines, refrigerators, electric irons, electric and gas stoves--a whole host of inventions and technologies that greatly transformed that part of economic life that takes place within the household. For one of the major consequences of mass consumption was the building-up of the stock of capital goods for within-the-home production.

History Of Graphic Design
Google Images

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